It’s time to pack your birth bag! What to pack in your minimalist hospital bag.
McAllen, Texas
So you’re having a baby and want to keep it simple… you’re in luck! I have the list of things you’ll need for your upcoming birth. In some cases you may need to add a few things depending your individual needs but this is a great guide to get you started.
Note: I’m not sponsored by any of these companies so feel free to branch out and learn more about their products on their own to ensure they meet all your ethical check lists. :)
Comfy non-slip socks, slippers, or shower shoes: My favorite pair of slippers would be my preferred choice but hospital floors can get kind of icky, so if you want to save your favorites for home, take a cheap replacement with you to the hospital or birth center. Shower shoes/flip flops are an excellent choice so you can wear them during your shower too.
Chapstick: (because nobody likes dry lips. ouch.) You breathe a lot during labor… A LOT. If you’re hooked up to an I.V. you likely don’t have a lot of access to drinks and your lips may feel very dry. Bring your favorite chapstick and you’ll be glad you did.
Hair ties: Whatever you prefer to use to hold your hair back is good. Bring an extra elastic or headband in case you misplace the one you’re wearing.
A comfy robe: Your hospital or birth center may already have these on hand but if you’ve never been in a hospital gown, get ready to see some funky patterns and colors. They’re 100% useful but not always the most comfortable. A comfy robe will look good in photos (you’ll likely be taking tons of them, you ARE meeting your baby for the first time) and it will also make you feel good. Plus, you won’t feel a draft on your back every time you get out of bed.
Nursing Tank Top (1 or 2): If you’re planning to nurse your new little addition, the nursing tank top will be super helpful. Most of the time, these come with a built-in “bra” and can be worn under your robe or your going home outfit of choice. (I think I lived in nursing tanks for the entirety of my breastfeeding career…. lol)
Nursing Bra: A cotton bra without underwires or fancy stuff is perfectly fine. It’s just there to support you and keep everything handy for the many feedings ahead.
Cotton Underwear: Think granny-panties. The bigger the better. Your abdomen will still be swollen (you just had a baby, it takes a while for things to shrink back to their semi-original state) , you’ll have a giant pad to catch the lochia discharge post birth, and in the event of a cesarean, these giant undies won’t irritate your incision site.
Toiletries + Light Make-Up: Hospitals generally have everything you need but if you need special products, it’s always a good idea to pack a small toiletries bag. Pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, hair brush, and maybe some make-up wipes. As far as make-up goes, I always suggest a simple tinted moisturizer, mascara and some tinted lip gloss. #easypeasy.
Protein filled snacks: You can’t forget your favorite protein packed snacks! You may not be able to eat much while in labor but your partner may need an energy boost to stay strong and by your side. You’ll also need your own energy boost post birth. So pack your favorite protein bars or trail mix. Mix it up so you have a couple of options. (With Covid-19 restrictions at most of our hospitals, you may want to consider packing a few more than you may think you need since your partner will not be able to leave the hospital once they are by your side.)
Gum or Mints: These are helpful during labor when you have nausea (peppermint is a good choice.) They are also super helpful in case you or your partner need a fresh breath boost.
Cell Phone + Charger: Our phones do it all these days. Google search, FaceTime call for our families, Camera for the thousands of pictures… you’ll need it. Don’t forget to pack your charger and to keep it close for those important photo opportunities.
Bluetooth Speaker or Earbuds: Want music during labor? These are a must. A Bluetooth speaker can drown out the beeping coming from the hospital halls. Earbuds are an excellent choice if you’re practicing Hypnobabies too!
Birth Plan: If you’ve created one, print it and bring it with you. It’s good to have a few copies. One for the nurses station and one for your room.
Wallet: You’ll need your I.D. and insurance card as well as a credit/debit card in case you need to make a payment or purchase while you’re at your birth facility.
Your own pillow: It’s smells like home, it feels like home. You may get better sleep with it too. Make sure you use a pillow case that can be easily identified so it doesn’t get swept away with all the white pillows at your birth facility.
Medications: If you are on special medication, don’t forget to pack them.
What about baby? I haven’t forgotten about your little one. While you’re at your birthing facility, chances are your baby will be in a diaper and a swaddle. This makes it much easier for nurses and doctors to check on baby as needed. However, you’ll need a couple of items to bring baby home.
A swaddle blanket (1 or 2): A thin muslin or cotton blanket is sufficient. If it’s winter, you may want to consider something a little thicker for the weather. Winters in South Texas aren’t too terrible but you may want to plan for that random “cold front.”
Going Home Outfit: A simple outfit for baby should suffice. You may want to stick to something like a cotton onesie in a color you like for those going home photos. Newborn size is fine for most babies but if you’re expecting a bigger baby, carry a 0-3 month size too…. just in case.
Going Home Outfit for YOU: My outfit of choice was always something super comfy like yoga pants and a loose nursing top. I think I one wore a slip-on summer dress too. The less I had to fuss with it, the better. Something that doesn’t wrinkle too much is good, it will be sitting in your bag for a while so there will be plenty of time for it to accumulate wrinkles in there.
Planning to birth at a birthing center? You may need newborn diapers too. Check with your facility on this one. Most birthing facilities have everything you need for your baby already available for you.
Have anything to add to this list? Drop it in the comments so future parents can add it to their bag.