McAllen Outdoor Maternity Photography : November Sessions

Maternity Lifestyle Photography: Outdoor Session with Susie and Isaac!

Maternity sessions! Gahhh! I absolutely loved how excited Susie and Isaac were about meeting their sweet little one on this day. We met up at one of our local parks and chatted about life, babies, and the nerves that come when you are expecting your first baby. 

These two parents-to-be were absolutely adorable to watch. The connection they shared on this day was so beautiful! Love was just radiating out of them. I was so happy to get to know them on this session.  

Here they were, a couple of days away from the big day, glowing. What an honor it is to capture these precious moments for new families! I can't wait to capture their sweet new baby when he arrives! He's going to have some pretty amazing parents. 

A baby fills a space in your heart you never knew was empty.
— Anonymous

~Norma Hess