Hiking adventure at Estero Llano State Park in Weslaco, Texas

Estero Llano State Park, Weslaco, Texas

In all the years I’ve lived in the Rio Grande Valley, I had never taken the time to visit Estero Llano in Weslaco, Texas. I’m not sure I can be proud of that statement. I’ve missed out.

Hiking hasn’t been my thing, ever. If you know me, you know that snakes scare the bejeezus out of me and bugs induce soprano tones from my throat. It’s no lie. Ask my kids. They’ll chuckle and tell you all about it.

Estero Llano State Park in Weslaco, Texas is a wonderful place to visit for bird watching and family hikes. The terrain is simple to navigate with young children and the weather between November and March is lovely. Photo by Norma Hess, McAllen, Tex…

Since life has us all turned around and masked up, the family has gotten creative about how we can safely see friends and loved ones. Frankly, we rarely go anywhere these days but over the holiday break, we wanted to see familiar faces and embrace the holiday spirit.

The solution, outdoor gatherings in large open spaces while masked. That’s what worked for us and honestly, it was a beautiful opportunity to do things I don’t generally do. I have to admit. This holiday break taught me to be a little more open minded about hiking and exploring the outdoors. Aside from being mildly scared of the wildlife, I found that I was mostly astounded by the beauty.


The cool breezes took me back to all the days I played outside as child and the outings kept nudging me to try some more. So over the holiday break, we not only explored this beautiful state park… we kept on exploring and I can’t wait to tell you about those.

Estero Llano has clearly marked trails that lead you to various bodies of water which are perfect to catch a glimpse of the many birds that travel through South Texas on their migration journeys. I hear there’s also an alligator which I did not get to see (thank goodness) and the kids were kind of bummed about missing “Alli the Alligator” as they called it.

There is an area with a small incline that leads you to a water reservoir… if you make it out there, the view is worth the extra steps. We saw plenty more beautiful birds and looked down to catch a glimpse of the park while we were up there. (I make it sound like a steeper mountain but it’s really just like getting to the top of a canal..)

If you plan to head out, take me with you next time. I’d love to document your family hike. :) (I promise not to hit the soprano notes on your outing…)

~Norma H


8 Tips to Prepare For Your Lifestyle Photography Session

Lifestyle Photographer, McAllen, Texas


Preparing to have an easy-going lifestyle photoshoot? Here are some tips to help you and your family look your best while creating a stress-free experience.

1.. The outfit.

Do you have a favorite outfit or look? Try it on and make sure you feel good. The way you feel will be visible in your photos… so practice, wear the outfit around the house for a little while, sit, stand, play… If it feels good and you feel confident, you have a winner. I generally don’t ask you to wear anything specific although you should probably avoid large logos and neon colors. I would recommend simple, classic, neutral outfits that coordinate (no need to get super matchy-matchy.)


2. Show some side.

Angle your body away from the camera slightly. No matter your body type, it will always look best when slightly angled. Don’t worry about this one, just keep it in mind and during our session, I’ll remind y’all.

3. Pick a side.

You know you the best. Choose a side that will flatter you and make you feel confident. When we bring in everyone for a cuddle, remember your side and jump on in.

4. Laugh Out Loud… or as the young kids say L.O.L.

Seriously, take a moment and laugh out loud. Force it, get the giggles out for this exercise. The first second of that forced laugh will feel unnatural or weird but I guarantee that once that initial laugh goes down, we get that genuine gorgeous smile.

So yea, it will feel weird… just roll with it.


5. Don’t worry, be happy.

Don’t worry about a little one having a grumpy moment or about anything else, really. Our session together will be focused on your connection with your family and while I try not to direct the show, I will give you a little bit of guidance on what light will work best, etc. Frankly, we just need one little pocket of light in a cozy corner of your house, garden, or favorite place.

6. Sometimes bribery works… so if your littles have a favorite treat (think tiny treats) we can sprinkle them in to the session to get them to cooperate. #insidertip


7. At ease.

Keep your arms relaxed… try not to let them hang off to your sides. We don’t need to go for the sorority girl's arm on the hip, but you can relax and touch your partner, your kiddos, your hair… you name it.


8. Have a sentimental piece of jewelry? Remember to coordinate it with your outfit for more depth to your photographs.


Remember these are just tips for your session. I hope your experience with me is relaxed and fun… I promise we will get some great memories of you guys. See you soon!

~Norma H

Christmas Tree Farm Visit

Our family visits Devine Acres Farm | Devine, Texas | South Texas Christmas Tree Farm

It’s been about 10 years since I met my friend Colleen. She introduced me to an awesome little Christmas tree farm in Devine, TX and I couldn’t believe my eyes when we arrived for the first time. I never imagined it was possible to visit such a cute little Christmas tree farm so close to the Rio Grande Valley. (It’s still a nice little 4ish hour drive away but it beats driving to Dallas!)

We fell in love with this place and have since tried to make it back as a post-Thanksgiving tradition. We drive up, pick out our Christmas tree, roast some marshmallows, and play until our legs feel like jell-o.

This year was the first year we headed up as a complete family of 7. It had been a while and we were so psyched to finally head back up. The kids were not disappointed and neither was I!

The farm has grown, there was definitely a bigger crowd than I was used to, but the charm is still 100% intact. The friendly faces showed us the way and we had a blast exploring all the new games and features the farm now offers.

We had an incredible time and can’t wait to head back up next year!

Have you visited this beautiful little gem?

Summer Days in the Rio Grande Valley

Candid Family Photography McAllen, TX

If you are located here in Mcallen, TX or anywhere in the Rio Grande Valley, what are you doing to beat the heat? 

Here's a list of free (or low cost) activities we've done to stay cool in this 100 + degree weather. 

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