Welcoming Ella Rose

Newborn Photography, Harlingen, TX - Ella Rose

Hi! Welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you dropped in to read all about Ella Rose. This sweet baby girl was welcomed home by her newly promoted big brother, furry sibling, mom, and dad.

On this quiet morning, sweet Ella was eating and getting a wardrobe change while I set up in their beautiful home. The details in her nursery were breathtaking. She has the coziest little nursery.

Once we were ready to go, big brother came over to say hi and get to know me a little. He is just the most curious and happy little guy. I’m always so excited to hear what big siblings have to say about their new role. Some tend to be a little shy at first, but after a brief game of ‘let the toddler be the boss,’ they tend to warm up to the idea of a photo shoot.

Sometimes families want to know the secret formula for getting their toddlers or older siblings to cooperate before the photo session… but in reality, it comes down to the day of. They are my tiny bosses and I tend to just follow their flow.

You can certainly help little ones be at their best by feeding them, allowing them to have plenty of fluids, and a full night’s sleep before the session… but in reality, the natural flow works for me. I don’t want you to stress about that part, I promise it will work out.

Find your own chill and the stars will align. :)


New parents sitting in the neutral toned nursery admiring their toddler and newborn daughter. Lifestyle newborn photos by Norma Hess



If you’d like to book you very own in-home newborn photography session, I’d love to be your photographer.

These sessions allow you to stay within the comfort of your own space. They are unique to you and are a great way to look back at this stage in your life when you reminisce with your kids later in life.

It makes me so happy to capture the essence of your home and the connection between you and your family members.

I can’t wait to meet you!



Meet Leanna

Mission, Texas In-Home Newborn Photo Session


Two years ago I joined this sweet family in their birth space and I can’t tell you how joy-filled my heart was to hear from them again as they prepared to welcome baby Leanna.

Every family’s journey is different and witnessing their journey is often accompanied by my whole heart being there in the trenches with them… so when I’m trusted and invited back into this magical space, I can’t help but feel so honored. Beyond honored… is there a word for that? It’s truly a feeling I can’t describe.

So almost exactly two years from her big brother’s birth, comes little Leanna. Her perfect little cheeks are so swoon worthy. I’m hoping to be back in their home soon so we can document this gorgeous family unmasked and loving & kissing on each other.

For now, let me introduce this sweet little baby to you!

Welcome to the world, Leanna!


To book your very own in-home photography session, click here. I can’t wait to meet you, hear your story, and document this season of your life.

Love & light to you!

~Norma H

Meet Leo

Bright & Airy In-Home Newborn Session, Alamo, Texas

Lifestyle Newborn Photos by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas. 956-369-5777 - NormaHessPhotography@gmail.com

Baby Leo recently joined his beautiful family. He has a big brother and two sweet parents who are currently over the moon with how chill this little guy is.

Big brother M was telling me all about his brother and his favorite movie soundtrack… I’m a fan of Mulan too, kiddo. :)

While we got acquainted, talked about movies and that darn trouble maker in Mulan, we also snapped some sweet photos of this new family of four.

The beauty of having me come to you is that your toddler feels at home, gets to show off their favorite monster truck and you feed your sweet new little one on your own time and in your own space.

It’s truly a joy to welcomed into your lives for a brief moment to watch all the beauty unfold. It fills my soul with memories of those early days with my littles too.

So thank you G Family! It was wonderful to meet you all. I hope we get to catch up again soon!

Baby Leo, you rocked your first photo shoot.

Minimalist newborn photos with siblings. Lifestyle Newborn Photography by Norma Hess, McAllen, Texas
Toddler-kisses-newborn-baby-on-the-forhead-while-mom-holds-newborn-and-dad-watches-from-behind. Lifestyle Newborn Photos at home by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas
toddler-plays-with-toy-cars-on-floor-with-his-mother-while-dad-holds-newborn-baby-brother. In-home newborn photography with Norma Hess, McAllen, Texas - SojourningBirth.com
Mother-has-newborn-baby-on-the-bed-and-admires-him-while-she-holds-the-babys-hand.Alamo Newborn Photographer- Norma Hess - SojourningBirth.com

If you’re interested in a session with your new little human, I’m here for it!

Reach out to book in advance or shoot me a message last minute… many times I stay flexible for my birth clients and a random spot opens right up. :)

~Norma H

Hiking adventure at Estero Llano State Park in Weslaco, Texas

Estero Llano State Park, Weslaco, Texas

In all the years I’ve lived in the Rio Grande Valley, I had never taken the time to visit Estero Llano in Weslaco, Texas. I’m not sure I can be proud of that statement. I’ve missed out.

Hiking hasn’t been my thing, ever. If you know me, you know that snakes scare the bejeezus out of me and bugs induce soprano tones from my throat. It’s no lie. Ask my kids. They’ll chuckle and tell you all about it.

Estero Llano State Park in Weslaco, Texas is a wonderful place to visit for bird watching and family hikes. The terrain is simple to navigate with young children and the weather between November and March is lovely. Photo by Norma Hess, McAllen, Tex…

Since life has us all turned around and masked up, the family has gotten creative about how we can safely see friends and loved ones. Frankly, we rarely go anywhere these days but over the holiday break, we wanted to see familiar faces and embrace the holiday spirit.

The solution, outdoor gatherings in large open spaces while masked. That’s what worked for us and honestly, it was a beautiful opportunity to do things I don’t generally do. I have to admit. This holiday break taught me to be a little more open minded about hiking and exploring the outdoors. Aside from being mildly scared of the wildlife, I found that I was mostly astounded by the beauty.


The cool breezes took me back to all the days I played outside as child and the outings kept nudging me to try some more. So over the holiday break, we not only explored this beautiful state park… we kept on exploring and I can’t wait to tell you about those.

Estero Llano has clearly marked trails that lead you to various bodies of water which are perfect to catch a glimpse of the many birds that travel through South Texas on their migration journeys. I hear there’s also an alligator which I did not get to see (thank goodness) and the kids were kind of bummed about missing “Alli the Alligator” as they called it.

There is an area with a small incline that leads you to a water reservoir… if you make it out there, the view is worth the extra steps. We saw plenty more beautiful birds and looked down to catch a glimpse of the park while we were up there. (I make it sound like a steeper mountain but it’s really just like getting to the top of a canal..)

If you plan to head out, take me with you next time. I’d love to document your family hike. :) (I promise not to hit the soprano notes on your outing…)

~Norma H
