Welcoming Ella Rose

Newborn Photography, Harlingen, TX - Ella Rose

Hi! Welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you dropped in to read all about Ella Rose. This sweet baby girl was welcomed home by her newly promoted big brother, furry sibling, mom, and dad.

On this quiet morning, sweet Ella was eating and getting a wardrobe change while I set up in their beautiful home. The details in her nursery were breathtaking. She has the coziest little nursery.

Once we were ready to go, big brother came over to say hi and get to know me a little. He is just the most curious and happy little guy. I’m always so excited to hear what big siblings have to say about their new role. Some tend to be a little shy at first, but after a brief game of ‘let the toddler be the boss,’ they tend to warm up to the idea of a photo shoot.

Sometimes families want to know the secret formula for getting their toddlers or older siblings to cooperate before the photo session… but in reality, it comes down to the day of. They are my tiny bosses and I tend to just follow their flow.

You can certainly help little ones be at their best by feeding them, allowing them to have plenty of fluids, and a full night’s sleep before the session… but in reality, the natural flow works for me. I don’t want you to stress about that part, I promise it will work out.

Find your own chill and the stars will align. :)


New parents sitting in the neutral toned nursery admiring their toddler and newborn daughter. Lifestyle newborn photos by Norma Hess



If you’d like to book you very own in-home newborn photography session, I’d love to be your photographer.

These sessions allow you to stay within the comfort of your own space. They are unique to you and are a great way to look back at this stage in your life when you reminisce with your kids later in life.

It makes me so happy to capture the essence of your home and the connection between you and your family members.

I can’t wait to meet you!



2020 Birthdays look different...

Drive-Thru Birthday Celebration in McAllen, Texas

2020 has been such an interesting year. We’ve all had to adapt to some twilight-zone type of life and our traditional birthday celebrations kind of went out the window.

Alas, the human race is adapting and drive-thru birthday celebrations became all the rage. We have hosted a few of these ourselves (it comes with the whole 5 kids package I signed up for… lol.)

I wasn’t sure what to expect but we’ve had a ton of fun adapting to this new way of celebrating.

Our first attempt at this birthday party style was our 8 year old’s birthday in June.

We invited Kairo’s Coffee to serve up some yummy hot & cold coffee beverages (because without coffee, what is life? Am I right?)

They did a phenomenal job and we have reached out to them again for another birthday, because, #yum.

We rented some exaggerated birthday yard signs that the kids absolutely loved. RGV Yard Cards was punctual and so accommodating to our last-minute request.

And finally, we threw together some treat baggies for the kids. We donned our masks and got ready for the honking and the yelling.

Let me tell you, our kiddos had an absolute blast (I’m not sure the neighbors felt the same way…) and everyone was so happy to be able to see familiar faces as we celebrated in this new way.

Here are some photos of the big day! Enjoy.

If you need to contact the vendors we used, let me know, I’d be happy to pass along their deets. :)

Kairo’s Coffee provided a delightful menu for our drive-by party event.
Photos by Norma Hess. Drive-thru party experiences should be remembered with photos.
Drive-by party events photographed by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas
Drive up birthday event in McAllen, Texas. Photos by Norma Hess 956.369.5777
Social Distancing Birthday Celebration photography by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas. normahess@icloud.com

If you are planning a social distancing special event, I’d be happy to help you document the big day. Let’s chat and make it happen. (Special pricing if you are in McAllen or within a 5-mile radius.)

`Norma H

A day with Penelope

South Padre Island Family Photography

Emotive photos of mother and baby at South Padre Island, Texas. Photo by Norma Hess at SojourningBirth.com

Little Penelope loved running around with her mama in the sand dunes at South Padre Island, Texas. We explored a quiet little section of the beach (which was so beautifully breath-taking!) This lovely pair played for a little while and I got the opportunity to witness their beautiful bond while documenting this season of their lives.

If you are a parent yourself, you know that these little moments are happening daily and then all of a sudden, your little one just stops doing something and you never see it again. Whether that’s a special way they scrunch their face or the way they get excited about seeing their favorite animal. Something about this moment is special, and then it’s gone.

When you make time to document this time of your life, you ensure that you’ll be able to revisit these photographs for many years to come.

If you have put off that family photo session for a while, now is the perfect time to do it. We can schedule your session for a time that is convenient for you and we can do this in your home or your favorite outdoor spot.

Your safety will always come first so I will continue to practice safety around you and your family. We can stay 6 feet apart, I will wear my mask and you can simply relax and enjoy this play time with your little ones.

Send us a message and learn more about how we work together soon!


Norma H.

Documentary family photography at South Padre Island, Texas. Norma Hess at SojourningBirth.com
Mommy and me photos on the sand dunes at South Padre Island, Texas by Norma Hess at SojourningBirth.com

8 Tips to Prepare For Your Lifestyle Photography Session

Lifestyle Photographer, McAllen, Texas


Preparing to have an easy-going lifestyle photoshoot? Here are some tips to help you and your family look your best while creating a stress-free experience.

1.. The outfit.

Do you have a favorite outfit or look? Try it on and make sure you feel good. The way you feel will be visible in your photos… so practice, wear the outfit around the house for a little while, sit, stand, play… If it feels good and you feel confident, you have a winner. I generally don’t ask you to wear anything specific although you should probably avoid large logos and neon colors. I would recommend simple, classic, neutral outfits that coordinate (no need to get super matchy-matchy.)


2. Show some side.

Angle your body away from the camera slightly. No matter your body type, it will always look best when slightly angled. Don’t worry about this one, just keep it in mind and during our session, I’ll remind y’all.

3. Pick a side.

You know you the best. Choose a side that will flatter you and make you feel confident. When we bring in everyone for a cuddle, remember your side and jump on in.

4. Laugh Out Loud… or as the young kids say L.O.L.

Seriously, take a moment and laugh out loud. Force it, get the giggles out for this exercise. The first second of that forced laugh will feel unnatural or weird but I guarantee that once that initial laugh goes down, we get that genuine gorgeous smile.

So yea, it will feel weird… just roll with it.


5. Don’t worry, be happy.

Don’t worry about a little one having a grumpy moment or about anything else, really. Our session together will be focused on your connection with your family and while I try not to direct the show, I will give you a little bit of guidance on what light will work best, etc. Frankly, we just need one little pocket of light in a cozy corner of your house, garden, or favorite place.

6. Sometimes bribery works… so if your littles have a favorite treat (think tiny treats) we can sprinkle them in to the session to get them to cooperate. #insidertip


7. At ease.

Keep your arms relaxed… try not to let them hang off to your sides. We don’t need to go for the sorority girl's arm on the hip, but you can relax and touch your partner, your kiddos, your hair… you name it.


8. Have a sentimental piece of jewelry? Remember to coordinate it with your outfit for more depth to your photographs.


Remember these are just tips for your session. I hope your experience with me is relaxed and fun… I promise we will get some great memories of you guys. See you soon!

~Norma H