Birth Story: Mariano | Home Birth in Edinburg, Texas

The Birth of Mariano | Home Birth in Edinburg, Texas


Julia and I met quite a while back. The universe had us cross paths when my 7 year old was still in diapers and I was fostering babies. Cloth diapers brought us together and then birth had us cross paths again when she invited me to document the birth of her daughter two years ago.

Now, here we are. Two births into our friendship and I am constantly floored with how incredible this mama is.

Julia has seen multiple variations of normal within her birth experiences and she’s worked gracefully through each one as they have presented themselves. She chose to birth at home for her two most recent births and she’s powered through her labors.

Nicole from Blessed Womb Homebirth Services was her midwife at each of her last two births and Julia speaks so highly of how supported she felt.

My heart is always filled with so much hope when I see a woman supported and respected in her birth space no matter how she chooses to birth her baby.

I am so thankful for the friendship that has blossomed with Julia. I have witnessed such incredible strength and love from her. She inspires me. She truly does.

Congratulations to her sweet family of 5!

Laboring at home. Photo by Norma Hess at Sojourning Birth, McAllen, Texas #homebirthmcallen #rgvhomebirth

If you have been considering documenting your birth story, let’s chat. This is one decision you won’t regret. You are about to meet a little love of your life, I can document the details.

~Norma H

2020 Birth Photography Image Competition Winners!

IAPBP 2020 Best Birth Photos!

The 2020 IAPBP Winners were announced! Have you been following this contest?

#IAPBP2020Competition #BirthPhotogs @BirthPhotogs


Remarkable images were entered into this year’s IAPBP Birth Photography Competition. This year’s first place winner is VI-Photography with her photograph “A Moment of Silence.” Way to go! This moment she captured is breathtaking. I can almost feel the calm in the room and that sigh of “I did it!”

Check out the rest of the winners. Let us know if you have a favorite. We’d love to know which photograph moves you.

Bree Farcia of J&B Photography, LLC“Warrior”United States

Best in Birth Details Winner is Bree Garcia of J&B Photography, LLC with her image titled: “Warrior.”

Best in Delivery | Alexandria Mooney of Alexandria Mooney Photography | “Unmasking The Many Layers Of Birth” | United States

Best in Delivery is Alexandria Mooney of Alexandria Mooney Photography with her image titled “Unmasking The Many Layers Of Birth.”

Best in Fresh 48 is Natalie Weber of Natalie Zepp Photography with her photograph titled “Denial” | United States

Best in Fresh 48 is Natalie Weber of Natalie Zepp Photography with her photograph titled “Denial.”

Best in Labor goes to Shea Long of Coastal Lifestyles Photography with her photograph titled “Morning Light Creeps In.” - Canada

Best in Labor goes to Shea Long of Coastal Lifestyles Photography with her photograph titled “Morning Light Creeps In.”

Best in Postpartum goes to Kristi Visscher of Kinship by Kristy with her image titled “Vernix Constellation.” - Australia

Best in Postpartum goes to Kristi Visscher of Kinship by Kristy with her image titled “Vernix Constellation.”

What an incredible collection of images, right? This year is the 10th year that IAPBP hosts this birth image competition. I bet that as you scroll back through the years, you’ll notice that the artists just keep getting better and better at documenting all the details that make each birth unique.

As artists, we are working collectively to bring birth to a new light so that the generations to come can embrace the raw beauty that comes with it.

Birth is sometimes a taboo subject among families or communities which can then lead to a fear of the unknown. Details aren’t always talked about but these images bring light to those very details we need to take control of our own lives. To empower ourselves with knowledge so we can take on our own journey with confidence.

Let’s celebrate all these incredible winners and all the artists around the world dedicated to normalizing birth again. It’s a huge team effort and I’m so proud to be standing side by side with all these amazing artists.

#celebratethebeautyinbirth #normalizebirth

~Norma H