Father's Day: The C Family

Celebrating Father’s Day: Family Reunion Photos, Los Fresnos, Texas

This Father’s Day I got a chance to document a beautiful family in Los Fresnos, Texas. They were celebrating the father figures in their lives together and I got to witness all their connections. It was beautiful to see! The little ones sharing memories with their cousins, siblings gathering their families under their father’s roof…. it was just what my own heart needed on this warm & sunny Father’s Day!

The plan was to gather everyone for a big family portrait… we did that but I have to say, my heart melted as I was pulling up these candid shots of the little ones as we worked on gathering the whole family.

The little ones got curious about the camera and loved seeing themselves in the photos! “Take a picture of me!” she said. Just one year ago, she was so shy and hiding from me and my camera. Oh, how time flies!

These photos are a sneak peek of our session… I can’t wait to show the C family their completed gallery!

Thank you for welcoming me into your home C Family! It was so much fun to spend time with you and your wonderful family!


Norma H

Introducing Raelynn!

Welcome to the world Raelynn! | Fresh 48 Session Edinburg, TX

Is there anything sweeter than the smell of newborn babies? This sweet baby was only hours old when we had the pleasure of meeting for her very first photo shoot.

Raelynn was welcomed into the world on 6/28/2019 and her family was so happy to meet her! Her parents, along with her big brother and sisters were over the moon.

It was so beautiful to walk into the room this afternoon to find this sweet family’s room filled with family and all the excitement that a new baby brings.

What an honor it is to walk in and document all the details on the same day when baby makes their debut.

Thank you to the L family for welcoming me on this special day!

The L Family initially found me on their visit to Belly View Ultrasound. If you haven’t visited Monica at Belly View, you may want to if you plan on learning your baby’s gender. When you drop by, let her know you heard about her by reading this blog. ;)

Check out some more photos from our session with Raelynn and her sweet family.

Sweet sleepy Raelynn slept through most of her session…

Her tiny fingers and toes will never look the same! Isn’t it incredible how fast these little ones change?

Raelynn’s first photos with her daddy and big sister.

Mommy and me… just a few hours earlier, mom was eagerly waiting to meet her newest little one. It’s always so wonderful to have these first cuddles with your little one and have the moment documented to cherish for years to come.

The beauty of documentary photography is that anyone in the room can be a part of your session. These grandmothers took turns loving on the newest member of the family. What a beautiful moment.

Hello little one. Mommy and Daddy have been waiting for so long to finally see your beautiful little face.

Big sister meets her little sister… I can see all the anticipation in her face. I bet these girls are going to be best friends. #ohmyheart.

Thank you for checking out the blog today! Leave some love for the L family in the comments.

I hope you are inspired to document your our parenthood moments. If so, let’s chat. Each season of life is special and I would be happy to work with you and your family soon!

Love and Light to you and yours…

~Norma Hess