Introducing Raelynn!

Welcome to the world Raelynn! | Fresh 48 Session Edinburg, TX

Is there anything sweeter than the smell of newborn babies? This sweet baby was only hours old when we had the pleasure of meeting for her very first photo shoot.

Raelynn was welcomed into the world on 6/28/2019 and her family was so happy to meet her! Her parents, along with her big brother and sisters were over the moon.

It was so beautiful to walk into the room this afternoon to find this sweet family’s room filled with family and all the excitement that a new baby brings.

What an honor it is to walk in and document all the details on the same day when baby makes their debut.

Thank you to the L family for welcoming me on this special day!

The L Family initially found me on their visit to Belly View Ultrasound. If you haven’t visited Monica at Belly View, you may want to if you plan on learning your baby’s gender. When you drop by, let her know you heard about her by reading this blog. ;)

Check out some more photos from our session with Raelynn and her sweet family.

Sweet sleepy Raelynn slept through most of her session…

Her tiny fingers and toes will never look the same! Isn’t it incredible how fast these little ones change?

Raelynn’s first photos with her daddy and big sister.

Mommy and me… just a few hours earlier, mom was eagerly waiting to meet her newest little one. It’s always so wonderful to have these first cuddles with your little one and have the moment documented to cherish for years to come.

The beauty of documentary photography is that anyone in the room can be a part of your session. These grandmothers took turns loving on the newest member of the family. What a beautiful moment.

Hello little one. Mommy and Daddy have been waiting for so long to finally see your beautiful little face.

Big sister meets her little sister… I can see all the anticipation in her face. I bet these girls are going to be best friends. #ohmyheart.

Thank you for checking out the blog today! Leave some love for the L family in the comments.

I hope you are inspired to document your our parenthood moments. If so, let’s chat. Each season of life is special and I would be happy to work with you and your family soon!

Love and Light to you and yours…

~Norma Hess

Some "me" time.

McAllen Photographer | The Making Friends Tour, Jukebox The Ghost and The Mowgli’s in Austin, Texas.

View from Covert Park at Mount Bonnell in Austin, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess Photography | McAllen Doula, Photo & Video

Hi y’all!

Sometimes I look at this crazy life I’m living and I can’t help but feel incredibly lucky. I think like most people, (ok, maybe not most…) I often wondered what I was meant to be doing. I never really felt quite right in all my other job opportunities. Although I’ve learned so much through each experience, none felt like it fit me and my soul.

Fast forward 30something years and here I am, living my dream! This dream doesn’t come without a price though. Living life on-call is sometimes challenging (especially when you are a mother of 5.) I have left my own birthday celebration for births, skipped out on my kid’s 1st theater performance, and various other events. Sometimes this part of the job seems a bit too demanding, it’s not just my feelings after all… but I wouldn’t change it.

I.Love. What. I. Do.

McAllen Doula, Photos, and Video. Norma Hess Photography

Now, with that being said, I am human and I do need to recharge and refuel to keep going. This month, I had the opportunity to see one of my favorite bands in concert while visiting Austin, Texas. Jukebox the Ghost was in town and I didn’t want to miss it… my March mama was aware of my plans and she was totally understanding (thanks Emilie!)

I made sure I left a solid plan behind and had a wonderful team to help me out in the event Emilie went into labor while I was out of town. Their support was so comforting, I always want to make sure my clients are in good hands and building these backup photography relationships is so important.

Road trip for the family and me! Norma Hess Photography McAllen, Texas

I spent the weekend with my siblings, laughing, eating all the vegan treats I could find, and laughing some more. Then we jammed to the beat of The Mowgli’s and Jukebox the Ghost at the Empire in Austin. All in all, it was a pretty fantastic weekend and I feel recharged and ready to be on-call again. I treasure this amazing family of mine as I’m sure you will treasure your family as it grows… Life is incredible.

Here’s a glimpse of my concert weekend! (Also, I totally learned that concert photography is not my jam. I’m more of a live-in-the-loud-bumping-base-moment kind of person.)

I hope you enjoy this tiny glimpse into my life! If want to say hi, book a session, or explore the booking process, Click HERE. I can’t wait to meet you and help you document your story.

Tommy Siegel performing with Jukebox The Ghost at the Empire in Austin, TX | Photo by Norma Hess Photography
Ben Thronwill performs with Jukebox The Ghost at the Empire in Austin, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess, McAllen Event Photographer
The Mowgli’s join Jukebox The Ghost on stage to sing “We are the champions.” 3/2/2019 at the Empire in Austin, Texas. Making Friends Tour 2019 | Photo by Norma Hess McAllen, Texas Photographer

Birth of Lucas

Edinburg, Texas birth at The Women’s Corner

Welcome to the world, Lucas!

The Women’s Corner at Edinburg Regional Medical Center | photo by Norma Hess Doula, Photos, & Videos.

On the morning of the 8th, I got a text from Andrea. She was being sent in for an induction and my heart began to race for her. I imagined how excited this first-time-mama was to meet her sweet boy and it was almost time!

Isn’t it incredible how fast time goes? From the moment we find out we’re expecting, to that first appointment with our midwife, to the first ultrasound. It all goes by so quickly. Now here she was, ready to meet her son.

Edinburg Photographer Norma Hess captures a quiet moment before the birth of sweet Lucas. | The Women’s Corner at Edinburg Regional Edinburg, Texas

We stayed in touch for the next few hours and then overnight… things were moving slow and steady. This sweet mama was on the right track to welcome her baby boy.

The following morning, I made my way over to this lovely family and had the best time chatting with everyone in the room. It was so sweet to see sisters bonding while waiting for this little one to arrive. Everyone was in good spirits and ready to meet little Lucas soon.

As labor intensified, the love between Andrea and Jay was more and more beautiful to witness. The way he looked at her was something that I’ll never forget. Becoming parents has a way of bringing couples together. I consider myself so lucky to be able to see these partnerships reach a new level of love as they welcome their babies earthside.

Labor and Delivery Photography by Norma Hess | McAllen Doula, Photos & Video

It was finally time to push, Andrea did an amazing job and Jay got the opportunity to cut the cord. They both soaked up all the details of little Lucas upon meeting him.

Labor and Delivery Photos by Norma Hess | McAllen Doula, Photos & Video

Everyone in the room was overjoyed when this little guy was born. It’s hard not to soak up all that oxytocin in the room in that very moment.

Family rejoices as baby is born! McAllen birth photos by Norma Hess | McAllen Doula, Photos & Video
A grandmother’s love is like no other. Photos by Norma Hess | Candid Family Photos, McAllen, Texas

For a moment, mama needed some attention and was taken over to the OR. Before long, baby Lucas and his mama were reunited for some sweet skin to skin time. There’s nothing more beautiful than the look on a new mother’s face as she gets to meet her sweet baby.

Congratulations F family! Lucas is absolutely beautiful!

(((Are you expecting in 2019? I can help you document these fleeting moments so everyone can be in the frame. Reach to book your birth, fresh 48, or family session today! Click Here to contact Norma Hess.)))

Newborn in-hospital photos by Norma Hess | McAllen doula, photos & video.
Golden hour. The first hour after birth is reserved for parents to bond and fall in love with their new baby. The Women’s Corner in Edinburg honors this very sacred time for parents. Photos by Norma Hess | McAllen Doula, Photos and Video.