Meet Leanna

Mission, Texas In-Home Newborn Photo Session


Two years ago I joined this sweet family in their birth space and I can’t tell you how joy-filled my heart was to hear from them again as they prepared to welcome baby Leanna.

Every family’s journey is different and witnessing their journey is often accompanied by my whole heart being there in the trenches with them… so when I’m trusted and invited back into this magical space, I can’t help but feel so honored. Beyond honored… is there a word for that? It’s truly a feeling I can’t describe.

So almost exactly two years from her big brother’s birth, comes little Leanna. Her perfect little cheeks are so swoon worthy. I’m hoping to be back in their home soon so we can document this gorgeous family unmasked and loving & kissing on each other.

For now, let me introduce this sweet little baby to you!

Welcome to the world, Leanna!


To book your very own in-home photography session, click here. I can’t wait to meet you, hear your story, and document this season of your life.

Love & light to you!

~Norma H

Maternity Photos: The M Family

Julia’s Maternity Session

McAllen Maternity Photographer

As we all anticipate the birth of this little addition, we come together to document the connections between Julia and her sweet family.

I first met Julia many moons ago, when I decided to give cloth diapers a go and she had some wonderful prefolds for sale. Who would have known then (almost 6 years ago!) that we would meet again when I documented the birth of her little Sonia.

Almost two years ago, Julia trusted me to join her birth team and document the peaceful homebirth of Sonia. I still recall the way she held her first daughter for the very first time.

Here we are, almost two years later, documenting her journey with baby #4! I find myself feeling so blessed to be joining them as they embark on this journey as a family of 6 soon!

I’m thrilled for her whole family! Having this new little addition is sure going to be an adventure. Here’s a sneak peek of their maternity session.

The M family came by and spent some time in my little in-home studio. The kids laughed, ran around, gave mama some cuddles while I snapped away.

I hope they had as much fun at this session as I did!

Thank you for stopping by the blog today! If you are ready to document this season of your life, I welcome you to message me. We can make that happen naturally and effortlessly.

~Norma Hess

Some "me" time.

McAllen Photographer | The Making Friends Tour, Jukebox The Ghost and The Mowgli’s in Austin, Texas.

View from Covert Park at Mount Bonnell in Austin, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess Photography | McAllen Doula, Photo & Video

Hi y’all!

Sometimes I look at this crazy life I’m living and I can’t help but feel incredibly lucky. I think like most people, (ok, maybe not most…) I often wondered what I was meant to be doing. I never really felt quite right in all my other job opportunities. Although I’ve learned so much through each experience, none felt like it fit me and my soul.

Fast forward 30something years and here I am, living my dream! This dream doesn’t come without a price though. Living life on-call is sometimes challenging (especially when you are a mother of 5.) I have left my own birthday celebration for births, skipped out on my kid’s 1st theater performance, and various other events. Sometimes this part of the job seems a bit too demanding, it’s not just my feelings after all… but I wouldn’t change it.

I.Love. What. I. Do.

McAllen Doula, Photos, and Video. Norma Hess Photography

Now, with that being said, I am human and I do need to recharge and refuel to keep going. This month, I had the opportunity to see one of my favorite bands in concert while visiting Austin, Texas. Jukebox the Ghost was in town and I didn’t want to miss it… my March mama was aware of my plans and she was totally understanding (thanks Emilie!)

I made sure I left a solid plan behind and had a wonderful team to help me out in the event Emilie went into labor while I was out of town. Their support was so comforting, I always want to make sure my clients are in good hands and building these backup photography relationships is so important.

Road trip for the family and me! Norma Hess Photography McAllen, Texas

I spent the weekend with my siblings, laughing, eating all the vegan treats I could find, and laughing some more. Then we jammed to the beat of The Mowgli’s and Jukebox the Ghost at the Empire in Austin. All in all, it was a pretty fantastic weekend and I feel recharged and ready to be on-call again. I treasure this amazing family of mine as I’m sure you will treasure your family as it grows… Life is incredible.

Here’s a glimpse of my concert weekend! (Also, I totally learned that concert photography is not my jam. I’m more of a live-in-the-loud-bumping-base-moment kind of person.)

I hope you enjoy this tiny glimpse into my life! If want to say hi, book a session, or explore the booking process, Click HERE. I can’t wait to meet you and help you document your story.

Tommy Siegel performing with Jukebox The Ghost at the Empire in Austin, TX | Photo by Norma Hess Photography
Ben Thronwill performs with Jukebox The Ghost at the Empire in Austin, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess, McAllen Event Photographer
The Mowgli’s join Jukebox The Ghost on stage to sing “We are the champions.” 3/2/2019 at the Empire in Austin, Texas. Making Friends Tour 2019 | Photo by Norma Hess McAllen, Texas Photographer

Meeting their sweet new baby soon!

When I first met Amber, she was still pretty early on in her pregnancy and I was thrilled to be documenting her journey into motherhood. Soon, this sweet couple will meet their new baby and I couldn't be more excited for them!

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