Welcoming Ella Rose

Newborn Photography, Harlingen, TX - Ella Rose

Hi! Welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you dropped in to read all about Ella Rose. This sweet baby girl was welcomed home by her newly promoted big brother, furry sibling, mom, and dad.

On this quiet morning, sweet Ella was eating and getting a wardrobe change while I set up in their beautiful home. The details in her nursery were breathtaking. She has the coziest little nursery.

Once we were ready to go, big brother came over to say hi and get to know me a little. He is just the most curious and happy little guy. I’m always so excited to hear what big siblings have to say about their new role. Some tend to be a little shy at first, but after a brief game of ‘let the toddler be the boss,’ they tend to warm up to the idea of a photo shoot.

Sometimes families want to know the secret formula for getting their toddlers or older siblings to cooperate before the photo session… but in reality, it comes down to the day of. They are my tiny bosses and I tend to just follow their flow.

You can certainly help little ones be at their best by feeding them, allowing them to have plenty of fluids, and a full night’s sleep before the session… but in reality, the natural flow works for me. I don’t want you to stress about that part, I promise it will work out.

Find your own chill and the stars will align. :)


New parents sitting in the neutral toned nursery admiring their toddler and newborn daughter. Lifestyle newborn photos by Norma Hess



If you’d like to book you very own in-home newborn photography session, I’d love to be your photographer.

These sessions allow you to stay within the comfort of your own space. They are unique to you and are a great way to look back at this stage in your life when you reminisce with your kids later in life.

It makes me so happy to capture the essence of your home and the connection between you and your family members.

I can’t wait to meet you!



Happy Birthday Baby Eli | Beautiful Edinburg Women's Corner Birth

Birth Photography Edinburg, TX | Baby Eli

One year ago in May, I got the call to head over to the hospital. Baby Eli was on his way! My friend was induced that Thursday morning and she bravely took on her induction while fighting a case of appendicitis! Her husband stood by her side as she worked through each contraction. It was incredible to watch their connection! 

I'm so drawn to the way partners support each other through labor and delivery. It's such an incredible journey filled with many challenges but when I see that love and support in the room, my heart melts. The birth space can be so intimate... I am incredibly blessed to be able to stand back and capture all of these love stories unfolding. 

That afternoon, my friend was so focused on bringing little Elioenai earth side. I saw her husband pray with her, whisper to her, and support her through each wave. I still remember that day so clearly. Her dim room, her music playing, her dad coming by with his story about his last vacation. I remember the look on her mother's face when she finally brought little Eli earth side and the tears in her husband's eyes. 

There was so much love in that room and little Eli's birth will always be such a special day in my heart. 


and now... it's been a year. Time has flown and this little guy is a ray of sunshine! He is surrounded by so much love from both friends and family... I am beyond blessed to be able to watch him grow.

~Norma Hess

McAllen Newborn Lifestyle Photography With A Beautiful Pup

Newborn Lifestyle Photography | McAllen, TX

Baby Leo

I had the honor of capturing baby Leo's first breaths. A few short days later, I was welcomed to capture sweet Leo's first days at home. I'm still swooning over his sweet little face. 

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Growing As A Birth Photographer in McAllen, TX

Norma Hess, McAllen's exclusive birth photographer, is growing. Following her heart and taking on growth in 2017!

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