Your birth provider: Are they the right one for you?

Choosing your birth provider in the Rio Grande Valley

Doulas are a great source of support for your upcoming birth. One of those ways we as doulas can support you is by introducing questions you can bring up at your next appointment with your provider. 

Sometimes we select our provider because they were recommended or have been a part of our lives for a really long time. That doesn't always mean they are the right fit for us. (Now, they very well could be the perfect fit, we are certainly are not trying to pull you away from your fave provider at all.) Asking questions can help you see how their own way of practicing will serve you on your birth day.

Example questions: 

Do you follow evidence-based birthing practices? 

Do you differentiate between high and low-risk pregnancies? If yes, how?

What can I expect my birth to look like (typically speaking) if I am a low-risk patient? 

What is your cesarean birth rate? 


Add questions about the current Covid-19 restrictions at your provider’s hospital. Such as:

Will they allow you to have a doula + your partner?

When do you get tested for Covid-19?

Is baby separated from you and your partner if you are positive for Covid-19?

Will baby be allowed immediate skin to skin time despite a positive Covid-19 test result?

You may think of other questions that may be very relevant to how you wish to birth your baby. Ask them. You are well within your rights to ask what you need to ask to get to know your provider a little better. This allows you to explore the person who will be assisting you when you bring your baby earthside (it’s a pretty big deal.) Birth matters. Having the right provider matters.

Another way to really hone in on where your provider stands on certain issues that may be important to you would be to prepare a birth plan and present it early(ish) on in your pregnancy. A birth plan does not guarantee that your birth will go exactly as planned. It will, however, open up dialog between you and your provider. Once they review it, you will find out whether they are on board with all the things you wish to achieve or ask for at your birth. Examples: Delayed cord clamping, free movement while laboring, no episiotomy, no induction unless absolutely necessary, etc. 

If you need some help creating your birth plan, feel free to reach out to me. You and I can sit down, talk about how to put one together and maybe I can assist you if you need a little guidance. You can also check out this link which will allow you to build a visual birth plan for your own birth. Click Here.  My most recent client loved her plan and her providers found it super easy to read while they got ready for the pushing phase.

Again, you simply want to open up dialog and find out if you are with the right provider for you.

You are hiring them for their services and if their services are way off base with how you wish to birth your baby, then it may be time to explore others.

Have any questions for me? Shoot me a message, I’d love to chat.

~Norma Hess

Sojourning Birth

Holy Family Birthing Center: Birth of Benjamin

Water Birth at

Holy Family Birthing Center

Weslaco, TX

Birth of Benjamin

Meeting families is always an adventure. Everyone’s story is different and I’m always so excited to learn about them so I can start to think of how I will be piecing their stories together.

Documentary photography is quite candid and never really comes with a script but every family has a wish for their birth photography experience. Some wish to have a more conservative story while others wish to have every detail included.

I met the L family when they were expecting their first little one. Their sweet son (who made a great doula this time around.) We had a few chats about how birth photography worked and somehow, we didn’t end up working together for his birth.

Upon finding out they were expecting baby #2, they jumped on-board and booked a birth package right away. Mrs. L explained that she absolutely needed these photos. So we did it! SHE DID IT! She birthed her second son like the birth goddess that she is.

She was supported by her husband, her sister, her mother, and her son too! They all gathered and encouraged her as she worked through each wave. They held space for her as she transitioned and witnessed as she roared her baby out.

Benjamin was surrounded by love and tears of joy as he made his way into the world for the first time! What an absolute joy it was to document this very special moment of their lives.

Congratulations L family! I hope your holiday season is filled with celebration and new traditions as a family of 4.

~Norma H