Father's Day: The C Family

Celebrating Father’s Day: Family Reunion Photos, Los Fresnos, Texas

This Father’s Day I got a chance to document a beautiful family in Los Fresnos, Texas. They were celebrating the father figures in their lives together and I got to witness all their connections. It was beautiful to see! The little ones sharing memories with their cousins, siblings gathering their families under their father’s roof…. it was just what my own heart needed on this warm & sunny Father’s Day!

The plan was to gather everyone for a big family portrait… we did that but I have to say, my heart melted as I was pulling up these candid shots of the little ones as we worked on gathering the whole family.

The little ones got curious about the camera and loved seeing themselves in the photos! “Take a picture of me!” she said. Just one year ago, she was so shy and hiding from me and my camera. Oh, how time flies!

These photos are a sneak peek of our session… I can’t wait to show the C family their completed gallery!

Thank you for welcoming me into your home C Family! It was so much fun to spend time with you and your wonderful family!


Norma H

Covid-19 & Graduation 2020

Graduation Portraits during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Graduation portraits in a sunflower field by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas.

The year 2020 took a pretty unexpected turn. When spring break came around, I never imagined that my kids wouldn’t be returning to classes after that week of vacation. I also had not factored in that my own kindergartner and senior wouldn’t be celebrating graduation as planned.

If you are one of the many families with a 2020 graduate, I can relate to that sense of loss. It’s a pretty big accomplishment for our kids to work hard in class (whether that was their first year in kinder or their final year in high school) and then miss out on the end-of-year celebration.

Well my friend Amy and I decided to make the most of this situation and we hit a beautiful sunflower field to celebrate with a photo session. Her own daughter was scheduled to walk with all her Kinder class this year and well, since plans changed, why not commemorate that moment with some photos.

If your own little one (or not so little one) is home with a gown, I’d love to chat about making memories with you guys. Maybe 2020 isn’t going as planned, we can still create some beautiful memories to document this very special time in your lives.

Congratulations to the class of 2020! You did it!

“Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision” Quote for girls’ graduation caps. Photo by Norma Hess at SojourningBirth.com
Formal graduation photos in sunflower field. Outdoor graduation photographer in McAllen, Texas. Norma Hess, Photographer. sojourningbirth.com
Sunflower field photography by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas

If you are still practicing social distancing, rest assured that we will keep more than 6 feet apart for your photography session with us. (Find our packages here.)

Not sure about scheduling a session? Ask about our editing services. You take your own photos on your favorite camera or smart phone and we edit them! #easypeasyphotoediting The fee is small and we’d be happy to work with you quickly.


Norma H

Corona Virus or Covid-19: What are we doing to prepare?

McAllen Covid-19 Preparation:

Pregnancy and the Coronavirus.

Covid-19 newborn photos are different these days. This is a photo from a “Coming Home” session in McAllen, Texas. Newborn photos by Norma Hess at SojourningBirth.com

What a surreal life event this has been, am I right?

If you’ve been checking in on any social media or media outlet, you’ve probably been inundated with news and updates pertaining to Covid-19.

What does this mean for birth photography or doula services here in the Rio Grande Valley? Well, it means that we have more restrictions in our area hospitals (who are overwhelmed at this time) and that we’ll have to be even more conscious about our habits as we move forward and support you. There IS a plan of action in place for Sojourning Birth.

Hospital births has pretty much come to a halt when it comes to birth photography and doula support. The only way we are allowed in is if you choose to have me as your doula and only support person at the hospital. (Limit of 1 additional person in the birth space.)

However, if you are choosing to birth at home or at one of our local birth centers, our services haven’t changed much there. We can still offer birth photo or doula support in person with the presence of your partner as well. You’ll simply need to clear it with your midwives.

Here’s our current plan of action:

All prospective client meetings will be scheduled virtually vs in-person.

We can Facetime, use Zoom, or Google Hangouts to talk about your birth and how I can help support or document your special day.

Moving forward, all prenatal and postpartum meetings will also be held virtually.

Part of our plan of action is to be proactive in keeping our own health in tip-top shape. This means abstaining from large gatherings, unnecessary travel, etc. My goal is to keep all of your families safe as well as my own little crew here at home.

Keeping up to date with all WHO and CDC updates and recommendations.

There’s a whole lot of information coming at us from every angle. I am aware that some sources out on the internet and social media are not always accurate. For this reason, I’m making sure to lean into reputable sources for updates to ensure your safety.

Immune system maintenance.

If you follow my social media, you may already know that I am pretty obsessed with maintaining a healthy and strong immune system. (Vitamins, water intake, and eating those fruits and veggies have never looked better.) I do my best to keep away from folks who are sick, have been sick recently, or have other sick family members at home to minimize risks. I take this job pretty seriously and truly care about your health. Thank you for trusting me and for inviting me to your sacred spaces.

Honesty and Transparency.

All relationships based on trust tend to be off to a good start. I want to be totally transparent with you and invite you to do the same with me. I will update you if I am not feeling well and you can do the same with me. I will likely not be shaking your hands in the coming weeks or coming in for a hug anyway (as a preventative measure…) we can just do that awkward wave and hello from a distance, maybe laugh about it too.

I will have trustworthy back-ups in place in the event that I am ill or one of my family members is ill. They will step in to support you or document your journey (I will still be editing your photographs.)

I will be 100% flexible with your sessions. If birth photography is not an option because you are laboring at a local hospital, we can plan a “Coming Home” session. I will meet you at the hospital as you are released, follow you home and while staying socially distant, document your coming home moments. These are great to capture big brothers and big sisters in action.


Fun Fact: I trained and certified as a nurse assistant in 2005. I also trained (while in the NAVY) for medical emergency response while deployed on the USS Iwo-Jima LHD7.

Handwashing has always been super important to me because life with my own kids has shown me you can never be too careful. ha!

I’ve been trained in proper handwashing, glove usage and general sanitizing procedures in health facilities.

While I can’t use my medical training in my doula role, I can still implement the tools I learned along the way in effort to help keep myself and those around me safe.

I never thought I’d have to write about this in one of my blogs but I’m sure it will bring you a little bit more peace of mind… :)

Please know that I am working right alongside you to ensure our whole community is safe. I’m so thankful for you and always invite you to reach out to me if you have any thoughts, questions or concerns.

~Norma H

Water birth at Holy Family Birthing Center in Weslaco, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess at SojourningBirth.com