Growing As A Birth Photographer in McAllen, TX

Growth As A Birth Photographer | McAllen Birth Photographer | McAllen Lifestyle Photography

My personal growth journey...

I absolutely loooooove my job. I get to quietly sit and work with my camera to capture love stories all over my beloved RGV. I still get strange looks when I say I'm a birth photographer. Some folks don't quite understand how my role fits in the birth room. Like with any other life changing event, documentation is essential. Living in the moment is also essential. My role is to snap away and put together the story of your baby's birth while you 100% focus on the task at hand. (Because let's face it, birthing a baby ain't easy!)

Anyway, I'm getting off track here... growth... I want to be sure I'm performing my role well. I have always been a bit of a birth junkie... reading about birth, watching documentaries, and absorbing all the information I can about this miraculous natural process. When taking on the photographer role, I was familiar with birth and the many ways it can flow. I was familiar with the idea that things don't always go as planned. I was familiar with the fact that as mamas, we all process birth differently before and after our baby arrives. Now I'm focusing on growing in my trade.

I recently signed myself up to attend a birth photography workshop in Colorado to ensure that I'm providing the best service to my clients. I will be spending a whole weekend with some pretty amazing birth photographers... absorbing all I can to ensure that I grow within my field. I can't wait to share what my experience is like up there surrounded by such incredible talent.

April can't get here soon enough! I'm so excited to learn and grow. I hope to bring incredible skill back to the valley to serve our entire community of moms. These little love stories will be our legacy to our children. I want to ensure we capture them, beautifully and artistically...  

2017 is the year of personal growth for me, wish me luck!

~Norma Hess 
