Backyard Photography with 2 year old Abbey!
Lifestyle and documentary photographs really captivate me. It's when you sit back and observe your family, that their personalities truly shine.
I have 5 adorable little models to capture... but it's almost like a "photographer's curse" takes over when they see me approaching with my camera. These lovely little people run! haha... I have really had to perfect my ninja skills to catch these candid moments. These little moments mean the world to me though, and I'll keep striving to snap them whenever possible. Before you know it, those sweet chubby cheeks will thin out, those little dimples on her hands will fade, and she'll be ready for school.
Many times we feel pressure to post the perfect picture or to have that "cheese" smile showing... but frankly, when you're sitting there reminiscing, it's the candid moments caught on camera that really bring you back to those lazy Sunday mornings with your toddler. Or in this case, to that random Thursday morning. Where you just let them be little for another day. These days, I've been feeling the pressure to just capture all the moments. I feel like time is slipping through my fingers and these little ones are rapidly growing and leaving those baby days behind.
This emotional mama needs to grab a cup of coffee and sit back and enjoy it all.
~Norma Hess