Newborn Session: Charlotte

Welcome home Charlotte!

An In-Home Newborn Photo Session in McAllen, Texas

Back in May, I attended the BT MOPS Community Market. Sojourning Birth donated a session to the silent auction that day and Chloë’s sister Ciara won! #Woohoo! We scheduled the session recently and let me tell y’all. It was soooooooo sweet!

Chloë and I are practically family now. Our lives crossed paths when I met her sweet family through my little brother. I’m so happy that life brought us together!

Not long ago, we all stood in the birth space together as Chloë labored and brought sweet Charlotte earth side. Her birth was so moving and will always stay with me.

Now, little Charlotte is smiling from ear to ear when she hears/sees her daddy. Where does the time go?

And also, is that image of her smile not the sweetest? Ahh!

I wanted to take a moment to show you all a sneak peek of Charlotte’s in-home session. Normally, it’s hard for me to narrow down all the images for these sneak peeks so I hope I picked the perfect ones to show y’all today!

On this very special day, not only did we have Charlotte and her parents, we also had grandma and great grandma join in on the fun! It’s a huge treat to be present for moments like these. It’s so important for our kids to know our families, our traditions, and to be able to keep these memories for years to come.

Thank you for welcoming me for this session G Family!! It was an absolute pleasure to document your day.

Beautiful girl’s nursery in McAllen, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess at
Grandma and Me. Baby Charlotte enjoys her mommy milk before her photo session. | Photo by Norma Hess
Including your family pet in your family session is so easy with lifestyle in-home sessions. Big brother (Odie) patiently waits for Grandma to burp little sister. | Photo by Norma Hess
Including Grandma in your photo session is easy with in-home photo sessions! | Photo by Norma Hess
Newborn photos at home are easy! Ask for a lifestyle newborn session. McAllen Newborn Photographer Norma Hess |
Candid photos in McAllen, Texas. The best way to document your family so everyone can relax and be themselves. | Photo by Norma Hess |
Odie comes in for a closer look during this intimate newborn session at home. | Photo by Norma Hess at
Four generations. We had Great-grandma, grandma, mom, and baby join in on this photo of their hands. What a beautiful way to treasure your family memories. | Photo by Norma Hess at
Cherish your family’s memories with an in-home family session. | Photo by Norma Hess at
Mommy and me photos by Norma Hess |

Thank you for visiting the blog today! Leave this sweet family some love with a comment.

Are you interested in an easy in-home session to document your loved ones? Let’s chat! These sessions are easy to book, relaxed and you’ll love seeing your authentic images shortly after your session. Learn more here.

~Norma Hess

Some "me" time.

McAllen Photographer | The Making Friends Tour, Jukebox The Ghost and The Mowgli’s in Austin, Texas.

View from Covert Park at Mount Bonnell in Austin, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess Photography | McAllen Doula, Photo & Video

Hi y’all!

Sometimes I look at this crazy life I’m living and I can’t help but feel incredibly lucky. I think like most people, (ok, maybe not most…) I often wondered what I was meant to be doing. I never really felt quite right in all my other job opportunities. Although I’ve learned so much through each experience, none felt like it fit me and my soul.

Fast forward 30something years and here I am, living my dream! This dream doesn’t come without a price though. Living life on-call is sometimes challenging (especially when you are a mother of 5.) I have left my own birthday celebration for births, skipped out on my kid’s 1st theater performance, and various other events. Sometimes this part of the job seems a bit too demanding, it’s not just my feelings after all… but I wouldn’t change it.

I.Love. What. I. Do.

McAllen Doula, Photos, and Video. Norma Hess Photography

Now, with that being said, I am human and I do need to recharge and refuel to keep going. This month, I had the opportunity to see one of my favorite bands in concert while visiting Austin, Texas. Jukebox the Ghost was in town and I didn’t want to miss it… my March mama was aware of my plans and she was totally understanding (thanks Emilie!)

I made sure I left a solid plan behind and had a wonderful team to help me out in the event Emilie went into labor while I was out of town. Their support was so comforting, I always want to make sure my clients are in good hands and building these backup photography relationships is so important.

Road trip for the family and me! Norma Hess Photography McAllen, Texas

I spent the weekend with my siblings, laughing, eating all the vegan treats I could find, and laughing some more. Then we jammed to the beat of The Mowgli’s and Jukebox the Ghost at the Empire in Austin. All in all, it was a pretty fantastic weekend and I feel recharged and ready to be on-call again. I treasure this amazing family of mine as I’m sure you will treasure your family as it grows… Life is incredible.

Here’s a glimpse of my concert weekend! (Also, I totally learned that concert photography is not my jam. I’m more of a live-in-the-loud-bumping-base-moment kind of person.)

I hope you enjoy this tiny glimpse into my life! If want to say hi, book a session, or explore the booking process, Click HERE. I can’t wait to meet you and help you document your story.

Tommy Siegel performing with Jukebox The Ghost at the Empire in Austin, TX | Photo by Norma Hess Photography
Ben Thronwill performs with Jukebox The Ghost at the Empire in Austin, Texas | Photo by Norma Hess, McAllen Event Photographer
The Mowgli’s join Jukebox The Ghost on stage to sing “We are the champions.” 3/2/2019 at the Empire in Austin, Texas. Making Friends Tour 2019 | Photo by Norma Hess McAllen, Texas Photographer

Christmas Tree Farm Visit

Our family visits Devine Acres Farm | Devine, Texas | South Texas Christmas Tree Farm

It’s been about 10 years since I met my friend Colleen. She introduced me to an awesome little Christmas tree farm in Devine, TX and I couldn’t believe my eyes when we arrived for the first time. I never imagined it was possible to visit such a cute little Christmas tree farm so close to the Rio Grande Valley. (It’s still a nice little 4ish hour drive away but it beats driving to Dallas!)

We fell in love with this place and have since tried to make it back as a post-Thanksgiving tradition. We drive up, pick out our Christmas tree, roast some marshmallows, and play until our legs feel like jell-o.

This year was the first year we headed up as a complete family of 7. It had been a while and we were so psyched to finally head back up. The kids were not disappointed and neither was I!

The farm has grown, there was definitely a bigger crowd than I was used to, but the charm is still 100% intact. The friendly faces showed us the way and we had a blast exploring all the new games and features the farm now offers.

We had an incredible time and can’t wait to head back up next year!

Have you visited this beautiful little gem?

Summer Days in the Rio Grande Valley

Candid Family Photography McAllen, TX

If you are located here in Mcallen, TX or anywhere in the Rio Grande Valley, what are you doing to beat the heat? 

Here's a list of free (or low cost) activities we've done to stay cool in this 100 + degree weather. 

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