Covid-19 & Graduation 2020

Graduation Portraits during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Graduation portraits in a sunflower field by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas.

The year 2020 took a pretty unexpected turn. When spring break came around, I never imagined that my kids wouldn’t be returning to classes after that week of vacation. I also had not factored in that my own kindergartner and senior wouldn’t be celebrating graduation as planned.

If you are one of the many families with a 2020 graduate, I can relate to that sense of loss. It’s a pretty big accomplishment for our kids to work hard in class (whether that was their first year in kinder or their final year in high school) and then miss out on the end-of-year celebration.

Well my friend Amy and I decided to make the most of this situation and we hit a beautiful sunflower field to celebrate with a photo session. Her own daughter was scheduled to walk with all her Kinder class this year and well, since plans changed, why not commemorate that moment with some photos.

If your own little one (or not so little one) is home with a gown, I’d love to chat about making memories with you guys. Maybe 2020 isn’t going as planned, we can still create some beautiful memories to document this very special time in your lives.

Congratulations to the class of 2020! You did it!

“Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision” Quote for girls’ graduation caps. Photo by Norma Hess at
Formal graduation photos in sunflower field. Outdoor graduation photographer in McAllen, Texas. Norma Hess, Photographer.
Sunflower field photography by Norma Hess in McAllen, Texas

If you are still practicing social distancing, rest assured that we will keep more than 6 feet apart for your photography session with us. (Find our packages here.)

Not sure about scheduling a session? Ask about our editing services. You take your own photos on your favorite camera or smart phone and we edit them! #easypeasyphotoediting The fee is small and we’d be happy to work with you quickly.


Norma H

8 Tips to Prepare For Your Lifestyle Photography Session

Lifestyle Photographer, McAllen, Texas


Preparing to have an easy-going lifestyle photoshoot? Here are some tips to help you and your family look your best while creating a stress-free experience.

1.. The outfit.

Do you have a favorite outfit or look? Try it on and make sure you feel good. The way you feel will be visible in your photos… so practice, wear the outfit around the house for a little while, sit, stand, play… If it feels good and you feel confident, you have a winner. I generally don’t ask you to wear anything specific although you should probably avoid large logos and neon colors. I would recommend simple, classic, neutral outfits that coordinate (no need to get super matchy-matchy.)


2. Show some side.

Angle your body away from the camera slightly. No matter your body type, it will always look best when slightly angled. Don’t worry about this one, just keep it in mind and during our session, I’ll remind y’all.

3. Pick a side.

You know you the best. Choose a side that will flatter you and make you feel confident. When we bring in everyone for a cuddle, remember your side and jump on in.

4. Laugh Out Loud… or as the young kids say L.O.L.

Seriously, take a moment and laugh out loud. Force it, get the giggles out for this exercise. The first second of that forced laugh will feel unnatural or weird but I guarantee that once that initial laugh goes down, we get that genuine gorgeous smile.

So yea, it will feel weird… just roll with it.


5. Don’t worry, be happy.

Don’t worry about a little one having a grumpy moment or about anything else, really. Our session together will be focused on your connection with your family and while I try not to direct the show, I will give you a little bit of guidance on what light will work best, etc. Frankly, we just need one little pocket of light in a cozy corner of your house, garden, or favorite place.

6. Sometimes bribery works… so if your littles have a favorite treat (think tiny treats) we can sprinkle them in to the session to get them to cooperate. #insidertip


7. At ease.

Keep your arms relaxed… try not to let them hang off to your sides. We don’t need to go for the sorority girl's arm on the hip, but you can relax and touch your partner, your kiddos, your hair… you name it.


8. Have a sentimental piece of jewelry? Remember to coordinate it with your outfit for more depth to your photographs.


Remember these are just tips for your session. I hope your experience with me is relaxed and fun… I promise we will get some great memories of you guys. See you soon!

~Norma H

Maternity Photos: The M Family

Julia’s Maternity Session

McAllen Maternity Photographer

As we all anticipate the birth of this little addition, we come together to document the connections between Julia and her sweet family.

I first met Julia many moons ago, when I decided to give cloth diapers a go and she had some wonderful prefolds for sale. Who would have known then (almost 6 years ago!) that we would meet again when I documented the birth of her little Sonia.

Almost two years ago, Julia trusted me to join her birth team and document the peaceful homebirth of Sonia. I still recall the way she held her first daughter for the very first time.

Here we are, almost two years later, documenting her journey with baby #4! I find myself feeling so blessed to be joining them as they embark on this journey as a family of 6 soon!

I’m thrilled for her whole family! Having this new little addition is sure going to be an adventure. Here’s a sneak peek of their maternity session.

The M family came by and spent some time in my little in-home studio. The kids laughed, ran around, gave mama some cuddles while I snapped away.

I hope they had as much fun at this session as I did!

Thank you for stopping by the blog today! If you are ready to document this season of your life, I welcome you to message me. We can make that happen naturally and effortlessly.

~Norma Hess